Frequently Asked Questions
Get answers to your most common questions around our diverse volunteering opportunities on and off the build site.
I have volunteered with a group in the past but want to come back as an individual. Do I need to attend an orientation?
Yes. We welcome anyone who volunteered with a group to come back as an individual volunteer. We do require that all individual volunteers attend our orientations. These sessions explain all of Atlanta Habitats programs and our various volunteer opportunities, how to self-register for events, assignments for volunteers, and offer time to answer your questions.
Visit the Individuals page to register for orientation.
Is it possible to have a friend build at the same site as me?
Yes. You and your friend must both have already attended volunteer orientation.
We will place you and your friend (two people max) at the same site. Beyond groups of two? Look into non-sponsor groups.
What do I wear to the build site?
When you volunteer to build a new house with Atlanta Habitat, you will be working on a construction site. From head to toe, we want you to be safe and dressed comfortably.
- Weather appropriate layers
- Sturdy pants recommended, not required.
- Work gloves (We provide them, or you can wear your own)
- Hard hats (We provide them, or you can wear your own)
- Hard sole, sturdy shoes that you don’t mind getting dirty are required (i.e. steel-toe boots, construction boots, hiking boots, or sturdy sneakers)
- Sunscreen
- No jewelry
- No sandals or open-toe shoes allowed on site
Gear such as safety glasses, ear plugs, dust masks, and fresh water for your refillable water bottle will be provided at the build site.
It is raining. Will there still be a build today?
Atlanta Habitat builds year round, rain or shine! The House Leader will shorten the workday if inclement weather persists or conditions become dangerous.
I have required hours to complete. Is there a way I can get them verified?
If you intend to fulfill court ordered community service hours, we require that you complete court-ordered community service application form PRIOR to volunteering.
Contact volunteer@atlantahabitat.org with any questions.
Are there any opportunities for individuals younger than 16 to get involved?
Unfortunately, Atlanta Habitat does not offer any youth-focused volunteer opportunities. We recommend visiting www.handsonatlanta.org or www.volunteermatch.com for viable opportunities.
How old do you have to be to volunteer with Atlanta Habitat for Humanity?
No matter the volunteer opportunity, all volunteers must be at least 16 years old. Additionally, volunteers ages 16 and 17 must have a parent or guardian sign a Release and Waiver of Liability. Additionally, volunteers who are 16 and 17 years old will be excluded from certain activities, such as but not limited to, using power tools.
Can I participate in every day of a particular home-build?
Attending all build days of a particular home's build is a great way to see the work Atlanta Habitat does from start to finish. To volunteer on each day of a build, submit your request to volunteer@atlantahabitat.org. We will do our best to meet your request, but it will depend on current availability.
I can’t arrive until 15 minutes or more after the start time. Should I still come?
Our staff conducts safety orientations and task division/training at build and brush sites and the ReStore first thing. If you cannot make it by the start time please reschedule for another day and leave that slot open for someone that can.
Where do I park when I go to the build site?
We use street parking around the build site. Because of this, we strongly encourage volunteers to carpool as parking may be limited depending on the location. We have security at each of our sites, but we still recommend not leaving any valuables in your car while at site.
What do I need to bring with me when I volunteer at the build site?
Atlanta Habitat provides tools, lunch and water! While gloves are provided, you may bring your own if you already own a pair. Volunteers may also bring tools, but they must be marked with a name and phone number. Volunteers are not permitted to bring power tools. Additionally, Atlanta Habitat is not responsible for damaged or lost items.
What is the difference between the online ReStore Orientation and the in-person general orientation?
Once you watch the ReStore Virtual Volunteer Orientation and submit the questionnaire demonstrating your understanding, you will become eligible to volunteer in the Atlanta Habitat ReStore (only), our discount home improvement store.
The in-person Volunteer Orientation equips you with the information and next steps to volunteer in ANY volunteer position we have including, but not limited to, the ReStore.
How do I become an Atlanta Habitat volunteer?
If you are not part of a sponsor group currently providing the financial underwriting for a home or Brush With Kindness project at this exact moment in time, the first step is to attend our volunteer orientation. Orientation provides details on Atlanta Habitat’s programs, access to ALL of our volunteer options, and an opportunity to ask questions directly to our Volunteer Team staff members.
Orientation is offered two to three times a month, one weekday evening and one Saturday morning. They last approximately one and a half hours.
Can’t wait to get started? We may have construction projects with urgent needs. (This does not represent our full volunteer schedule).
What can I do to prepare myself for the build?
Hydrate well starting several days before a build, even in winter in addition to reading the Volunteer Info Packet that came in your registration confirmation email.
I have volunteered as an individual before, but now I want to do it with a group. How can I get started?
If your group has three or more people, please learn more on our Group Volunteering page.
I’m volunteering as part of a non-sponsor, sponsor, or ReStore group. Do I need to attend orientation?
No, you should register for your build project directly through your group’s specific link. Please contact your group's coordinator with any questions.
I am registered for a shift, but I cannot volunteer the entire time. Is it required that I stay there for the entirety of the shift?
We ask that you honor your commitment and stay for the entirety of the shift. The timeframe and length of each event can be found in your Volunteer Hub account.
Can I still volunteer at the build site if I don’t have any construction experience?
Yes, absolutely! We don’t require any construction experience prior to volunteering. Our House Leaders are familiar with all skill levels and can make everyone useful on a build.