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Thanks to Huber, Atlanta Habitat Has a Year’s Supply of Flooring Systems

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It is because of great partners like the J.M. Huber Corporation, that Atlanta Habitat can continue to build, thrive and grow. In fact, because of Huber’s recent in-kind gift of a year’s supply of flooring systems, the organization is now even more equipped to build high quality, affordable homes from the ground up.

After Atlanta Habitat’s construction crew started using Huber’s AdvanTech subflooring system in 2019, they noticed a significant improvement in the quality of the subfloor. AdvanTech® subfloor assembly products offer a quiet, stiff floor system.

“In construction, the subfloor is always covered by flooring, but the level of quality of a subfloor will stand for the life of the home good or bad,” Atlanta Habitat’s Construction Manager, Jacob Rufenacht explained. “I’ve noticed a huge improvement on the strength of the AdvanTech subfloor, which makes everything on top of it better.”

Huber’s generous donation is valued around $100,000 – and, with the current COVID-19 pandemic, comes during a time that safe, affordable housing is more important than ever. Every single contribution, whether it be through financial means or donated materials, makes a difference.

“Huber’s donation of AdvanTech has been a great addition that aligns with our mission, allowing us to provide high quality, affordable housing to Atlanta Habitat families,” Rufenacht said. “It’s been a great partnership.”

Huber has been an Atlanta Habitat partner since 2018. Employee volunteers helped to build Atlanta Habitat’s first Holiday House-themed home in Atlanta’s Center Hill neighborhood.

Thank you, Huber for helping Atlanta Habitat continue to provide families with a strong foundation.