CEO Corner: Habitat’s Hardworking Homebuyers
August 29, 2019

As we celebrate the American worker during this Labor Day season, I want to recognize the hard work our homeowners put in to buy their affordable homes.
There is a misconception that we give away homes. While volunteer labor and sponsorships help us manage the cost of construction, our homeowners, invest 250-hours of sweat equity as they help to build their new homes, volunteer on others’ builds, work in the ReStore or in our offices to pay it forward.
They also put their financial house in order with our financial literacy training and working with a budget coach. This support prepares them to pay a mortgage for their home and meet their financial obligations.
Atlanta Habitat homebuyers often work more than one job to qualify for their homes. Often when they enter our program, their current income makes it a challenge to acquire safe, decent, housing at today’s market prices. The cost of housing has increased by more than 10% in Atlanta; while salaries and wages have increased by 2% to 4%, which makes it increasingly more difficult to find affordable housing options. This is part of a national trend where one in six people spend more than 50% of their income or one paycheck on housing. In Atlanta, one in five households are cost burdened in this way, forcing our neighbors to have to choose between paying for housing or paying for food, medicine or other basics.
Like many people across our nation, Atlanta Habitat homeowners are the people who make our local communities and regions thrive. They are the teachers, the medical assistants, home healthcare workers, accounting clerks, hospitality workers and retail associates. They are the airport baggage handlers, housekeeping staff and bus drivers. Most are single parents with a majority being women. On average, they earn about $35,000 per year, before taxes. All of our homebuyers are striving for a better life for themselves and their families. They are acutely aware that owning a home can be a transformative experience, positively impacting their family’s social and economic mobility for generations to come. Almost all of our homeowners are first-time homebuyers, and they are often the first person in their family to own a home.
Once a homeowner has stability, he or she can begin to dream and plan beyond the build. We offer Atlanta Habitat homeowners a range of growth opportunities through our expanded education program. They can access scholarships to pursue and continue educational goals and entrepreneurial training to make their well-planned business ideas a reality.
This Labor Day, on behalf of the hardworking Atlanta Habitat staff, we recognize our Atlanta Habitat homeowners. You inspire us every day. Serving you and your families is part of our mission to make sure everyone has a safe, decent place to live. Thank you!
Join the Cause
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