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Atlanta Habitat CEO Reflects on the Powerful Legacy of Rep. John R. Lewis and Rev. C.T. Vivian

  • Post category:CEO Corner

“Congressman John Lewis and Reverend C.T. Vivian dedicated their lives to equality, civil rights, and carrying on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s global vision to build ‘The Beloved Community.’ And what a job well done.

As I reflect on their life and legacy, I am tremendously inspired and grateful for their unwavering commitment towards an equitable society for us all. Their courageous work and non-violent activism, which started at an early age for both of them, positioned Lewis and Vivian to play key roles in the civil rights movement.

Lewis’ legacy includes being one of the original Freedom Riders, a pivotal figure in the Selma-to-Montgomery Marches, the youngest speaker at the 1963 March on Washington and the Representative for Georgia’s 5th Congressional District for 33 years. In this role, he supported affordable housing legislation and Habitat’s mission to empower families through homeownership. I remember on many occasions visiting with Congressman Lewis to address housing disparity and enjoyed his perspective and stories on what is possible when we are united in our fight together for justice.

I will never forget what Lewis said at the March on Washington’s 50th anniversary in 2013: ‘We are one people; we are one family. And, when we finally accept these truths, then we will be able to fulfill Dr. King’s dream to build a beloved community, a nation, and a world at peace with itself.’

Vivian, a key adviser to Dr. King, also spent his life remaining dedicated to King’s vision. His legacy includes organizing Nashville’s first sit-ins, participating in the Freedom Rides, helping to get Civil Rights Bill and Voting Rights Act passed, and serving as the National Affiliates Director of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

Atlanta Habitat joins our city and the rest of the world in mourning the immense loss of two civil rights icons. We also celebrate their lives of service to their community. May we all be inspired to continue their work of building a society based on justice, equality and love for our neighbors.”- Atlanta Habitat CEO Lisa Y. Gordon